Sunday 23 October 2011

would you want to live on a ship?

Two of the teenagers from Tommys class have written the reasons why living on a ship is better than on land, and the reasons why living on land is better than living on a ship. In case you were wondering how life is different or if you would want to live on our ship...check it out

I'm not sure that living on a ship or land are better than the other, just incredibly different. Certainly there are a lot of things you miss living on a ship in Africa but there are so many great things about it too. But as we start the countdown to leaving we do think more and more about the differences. The boys are excited that they will be able to play football properly soon in a space actually big enough to run around in, we are excited to be able to eat a bigger variety of foods, cook for ourselves and drink fresh milk. We will miss having friends in and out of our cabin all the time and everyone living just one minutes walk away, we'll miss wearing summer clothes all year round and dining room staff doing the washing up. We're excited that soon we'll have so many options of places to take the boys that we won't have time to fit them all in, but we'll miss going up to deck 8 in the evenings and knowing there will always be friends up there to play with and chat to.

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