Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Once again it seems that the person in our family who is actually good at packing has not had any time to pack so it has been left to me to shove things in bags at random ;-) In some ways it is easier than packing to fly - it doesn't matter what goes where or how much bags weigh as long as they can be moved. On the other hand it is a little tricky trying to pack as little as possible while trying to take the things you will need in the next four months. We can leave things on board but one of our cabin windows is being replaced so the things we are leaving are all having to be moved around too.

Tommy has been a little busy co-ordinating the Academy packing, well over 200 boxes or other items ready to be moved to set up school off ship. Makes my few bags seem like nothing!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is a LOT of boxes!!