Sunday 21 February 2010

the little green bus...

...came by Friday morning to collect Mums and little ones for an outing while the teachers had a training day. We travelled African style - see how many you can fit in a 15 seater mini-bus (answer 29 plus the driver) but only for about five minutes! The German run Seaman's mission has facilities just a couple of minutes outside the port with a small pool and area for sitting and getting drinks/food. They aim to bring God's love to seamen and their families - the bus comes into the port each night to collect anyone that wants a change of scenery and to relax. Oh it seems to be normal to have some kind of strange pets at the pools here, the pool last week had a crocodile and the seamans misson had some monkeys! Our little sea men had a great time playing with their friends in the pool and we were very grateful for them coming to drive us there in the little green bus, that bit was almost as fun as the swimming for Josh :-)

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