Tuesday, 24 August 2010


The up to Force 10 gale has been causing a rocky ride, the waves were pretty big yesterday and obscured many a window at times. I went up to the Bridge Sunday evening and watched some waves hit the windows up there. Things are getting a little better, still not exactly pleasant yet, but moving the right way! We did manage some sleep last night, our cupboards were bursting with cushions and towels so we didn't hear much rolling about at all.

Today we have played trains and had fun watching them move by themselves as the ship rocks, whilst trying to keep a good eye on the horizon. I tried to get further with the packing (having not really started and we are moving as soon as we arrive in about a weeks time), but gave up after opening a cupboard and having an array of things fall out. We had a little time of running on deck (as I deemed it too rocky for the wiggle cars still remembering one of the boys hitting a railing on one on the last sail when the sea was rough) and watched the bird flying over the waves. We met friends at the cafe and somehow filled another day at sea.We will be pleased to arrive...

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