Wednesday, 25 February 2009

a moth for Roger?

We saw this (almost sat on it!) on a wooden chair out on deck, is it a moth? I have never seen such a big moth if this is one! It was almost as long as my fingers. We haven't seen too much wildlife otherwise, some big birds that flew too fast to capture on camera and some lizards at the swimming pool. I'm sure some people will be relieved that Tommy has not had the opportunity to freak out people back home with his creepy crawlies like when we were away before!


Anonymous said...

You must have been listening in at our Support Group on Monday - "we haven't heard anything about creepy-crawlies yet...." Well, you've made up for it now. The specimen is a moth and looks like a Hawk Moth, similar to a Conulvulus Hawk which migrates to England in warm summers/autumns. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

well, I second Roger and it was me that should have kept quiet!!! you shouldn't have any wild life on the boat and if you do the pics are supposed to be HIDDEN, NOT on the front page of the blog (and contain a scary scenes warning!!!).